Kakatiya University KU B.Tech IV Year II Sem Exam Fee Notification 2018
KU B.Tech IV Year II Sem Examination Report 2018: Kakatiya University (KU) Examination Center B.Tech (CE, ME, EIE, CSE, EEE, ECE, IT & Mining Engg) IV Year II Sem Examination Report 2018 @ Official website kakatiya.ac .in.Candidates, the pursuit of the B.Tech IV year in Kakatiya University & its affiliated colleges are now waiting for the exam fees schedule. The examination dates will be informed later.You can schedule the examination schedule from the official website of the university or from the table below on the page ............... ..
Kakatiya University KU B.Tech IV Year II Sem Exam Fee Notification 2018
Kakatiya University B.Tech IV Year II Sem Examination Report 2018 - Reg / Ex / Improvement
Kakatiya University in the state of Telangana offers various undergraduate and postgraduate courses for the candidates. It will release the notification of the exams and run them accordingly. Now it has the exam fees notification with & without late fee for the B.Tech released IV year II semester on its official website. The examination fee with & without Geldbörse The last dates are given below.
Kakatiya University KU B.Tech IV Year II Sem Exam Fee Notification 2018
The following are the latest dates for the payment of the examination fee and the processing of the online application and also the submission of manual application documents to the undersigned:
Payment of the fee Last date for paying the examination fee by the candidates Last date for the preparation of the consolidated DDs by the College Principals
Without late charge 25-04-2017 26-04-2017
With a late fee of Rs.250 / - 27-04-2017 28-04-2017
Examination fee for regular candidates:
For all papers: Rs.1100 / -
Up to two papers: Rs.600 / -
Candidates are advised to submit the application forms before 2018. No applications will be accepted under any circumstances after the last date. For late submission of application forms, a fine of Rs. 2,000 / - per day will be charged against the Colleges.