TS ECET 2nd Counselling Dates 2018
TS ECET 2nd Counselling Dates 2018: Candidates can download the Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test (TS ECET) 2nd Counselling Dates from the official web site @ tsecet.nic.in. JNTUH has declared the TS ECET 1st phase seat allotment. The candidates who are not satisfied with the l segment allotted seat, they need to wait for the 2nd section internet counselling with the required files. Now, all those candidates can download the TS ECET ll counselling dates from the legit internet site.TS ECET 2nd Counselling Dates 2018
After the declaration of TSECET 1st section counselling, the applicants who aren't glad with the allotted seat, they need to wait for the ll counselling. Now, all those candidates are eagerly anticipating the ll phase certificate verification dates. Candidates can download the Telangana ECET 2nd segment internet counselling dates from the legit website @ tsecet.nic.in. Candidates who desire to appear for the second phase of verification. In such cases, the allotment of first section stands cancelled and the allotment in 2nd section is challenge to availability of seats, advantage and rule of reservation.
TS ECET 2nd Counselling Dates
- Organisation Name----- Telangana State Council of Higher Education (TSCHE)
- Conducting Authority----JNTU Hyderabad
- Exam Name---- Telangana State Engineering Common Entrance Test (TS ECET)
- Category---- 2nd Counselling Dates
- Status-----Update soon…
- Official website---- tsecet.nic.in
Required Documents for TS ECET ll Counselling 2018:
- TS ECET-2018 Rank Card
- TS ECET-2018 and Hall Ticket
- Aadhaar Card
- S.S.C or its equivalent Marks memo
- Diploma / Degree Memorandum of Marks
- Diploma / Degree Provisional Certificate
- Study Certificate from IV to Diploma
- Transfer Certificate (T.C)
- Income Certificate
- Integrated Caste Certificate issued by means of capable authority, if applicable.
- Physically Challenged (PH) / Children of Armed Forces Personnel (CAP) / National
- Cadet Crops (NCC) / Sports and Games / Minority certificate, if relevant.
- Residence certificates